Bulgartransgaz launches public procurement for the reversal and capacity expansion of Compressor Station Kardam

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Bulgaria’s transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz started a public procurement for the “Reversal and expansion of the capacity of Compressor Station Kardam control system”. The open procedure was announced in connection with the Vertical Corridor initiative.

The expansion of the gas transmission infrastructure of Bulgartransgaz through the expansion of the transmission capacities from Greece to Bulgaria and from Bulgaria to Romania will guarantee the possibility of transporting additional quantities of natural gas from reliable sources. The increase of the natural gas transmission capacity at the interconnection point Negru Voda/Kardam includes the construction of a looping from Rupcha to Vetrino, which is a high-pressure gas pipeline with an approximate length of 61 kilometres, as well as the implementation of works to reverse the compressor station Kardam and increase of the capacity of its control system. The modernised infrastructure will ensure additional capacity from Bulgaria to Romania in the amount of 137.2 gigawatt-hours per day (GWh/d) and the total technical capacity will reach 295 GWh/d.

The most economically advantageous offer for each position will be determined based on the selected best value for money awarding criterion according to indicators linked to the organisation for the implementation of the activities as planned by the participants and the proposed price.

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