FSRU arrives at Stade, strengthening security of supply and price stability

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The floating LNG terminal Energos Force has arrived today (15 March) at the AVG jetty in the industrial port of Stade-Bützfleth.

Photo source: DET.

The almost 300-metre-long ship, operated by Deutsche Energy Terminal (DET) will undergo several weeks of test operations before being able to feed up to 5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas per year into the German gas network, thereby making a significant contribution to the security of supply and the gas price stability in Germany and Europe.

“This third of DET’s four FSRUs with access to the North Sea was also quickly realised thanks to the intensive cooperation of all technology partners and authorities involved,” commented Dr Peter Röttgen, Managing Director of DET. “Once the test run is complete, Energos Force will be able to supply the equivalent of up to five million households with gas for a year. This third DET liquefied natural gas import terminal is also an important step for many companies that, despite technical efforts, are still dependent on large quantities of natural gas for the time being. After all, industrial and commercial companies need planning security. LNG provides the needed economic stability today and is a basis for the transition to climate-neutral production. This will also affect many thousands of jobs today and in the future.”’

During winter, the Energos Force can regasify a maximum of 500 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD) in a closed cycle with steam boilers. During summer, regasification capacity can be raised up to 750 MMSCFD in an open cycle utilising seawater.

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