‘Government pledges have made will not limit warming to 1.5 degrees’

News Room
2 Min Read

The move away from fossil fuels is a real challenge for the energy sector.

This is what Jim Skea, Chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) told us at the International Energy Week.

Jim Skea said: ‘We are some way off on meeting our climate targets globally.

‘There are two kinds of gaps – there is a emissions gap because the [climate] pledges that governments have made will not limit warming to 1.5 or even 2 degrees.

‘But there is also an implementation gap because we haven’t even got the policies in place to meet all the current pledges.

‘There is a lot of work to be done, both in terms of aspiration and effort.’

Mr Skea told us that although methane emissions have previously been ignored, oil and gas companies are now actively working to reduce methane emissions.

He explained: ‘There’s a lot of low hanging fruit, it may even pay to reduce methane emissions because you can sell the methane instead of letting it leak into the atmosphere.

‘There is a lot of effort going into reducing methane and this is important because methane is a very potent greenhouse gas with a short lifetime.

‘Reducing methane emissions can have a very rapid effect on global warming.’

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