Hidroelectrica completes modernisation of 10 substations in western Romania

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Romanian hydropower company Hidroelectrica announced on Wednesday (14 February) that it has modernised ten 110 kV substations in Hațeg, western Romania.

The project, with a budget of over 12 million Romanian lei (2.4 million euros), was completed within 21 months and involved extensive works at stations afferent to HPP Belliva, Ostrovu Mic HPP, Ostrovu Mare HPP, Cîrnești I HPP, Cîrnești II HPP, Păclișa HPP, Totești I HPP, Totești II HPP, Hațeg HPP and Orlea HPP.

”We strongly believe that innovation and change are the keys to organisational transformation. Modernisation brings significant benefits, representing not only an improvement but also a radical change of approach. By increasing automation, improving substation safety and availability, streamlining, and reducing maintenance costs, we focus on complete transformation,” said Karoly Borbely, CEO of Hidroelectrica. “The digitisation of processes is essential in this evolution, and this project represents a significant contribution to the operational efficiency and sustainability of the country’s energy infrastructure. In Hidroelectrica, we are committed to change for a more sustainable and efficient future.”

The 110 kV substations are part of the Râul Mare Downstream Hydropower Development and were put into operation between 1986 and 1992, having the role of discharging the electricity produced by several hydropower plants.

The modernisation of the stations was carried out in “run-of-river” stages to minimise the unavailability of HPP and avoid energy losses, Hidroelectrica noted in a press release. The works were completed in December 2023 and officially commissioned on Wednesday following 72-hour tests.

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