ORLEN has secured Poland’s gas demand throughout 2023

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Poland’s energy group ORLEN delivered 14.1 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas to its customers in Poland in 2023, a figure which is slightly higher than in 2022 (13.9 bcm). Foreign supplies were supplemented by domestic gas production which amounted to 3.3. bcm.

According to a recent press release, despite the halt of Russian gas supplies and an increase in Poland’s gas consumption by 2.8 per cent, ORLEN was able to completely meet the country’s gas demand, which amounted to 17 bcm.

Gas originated both from ORLEN’s diversified portfolio, like its wells in Poland and the exploitation of the Norwegian Continental Shelf and international suppliers. One of the main sources was liquified natural gas (LNG) thanks to the full utilisation of the terminal in Świnoujście, where a total of 62 vessels with a total volume of approximately 6.5 bcm of LNG arrived. This figure corresponds to almost 46 per cent of all gas imports to Poland.

Another important route was the Baltic Pipe, which transported approximately 6.2 bcm of gas.

A total of 0.4 bcm came from other sources like Ukraine and Lithuania, the latter via the Gas Interconnector Poland-Lithuanian (GIPL) and the Klaipėda LNG terminal.

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