Scotland’s climate targets revised: Industry response

News Room
3 Min Read

Màiri McAllan, the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy, addressed the Scottish Parliament in response to the Climate Change Committee’s Progress Report.

The rollback on Scotland’s landmark 2030 target and wider climate change legislation has drawn criticism from industry leaders.

Claire Mack, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, voiced disappointment over the decision, highlighting Scotland’s global leadership in climate action and the need to maintain investor confidence.

Urging the government to heed the Climate Change Committee’s recommendations, Ms Mack emphasised the importance of strong policies to support carbon reduction across all sectors.

Claire Mack said: “At this crucial time, we need to signal confidence to investors and our supply chain that Scotland is the best place in the world to build the renewable energy projects which deliver energy security, economic growth and carbon reduction at scale.

“The Scottish Government must learn the lessons of these missed targets by urgently acting on the clear recommendations of the Climate Change Committee and delivering the strong policies needed to support delivery.

“This will be essential to ensuring carbon emissions are reduced at the rate required across every sector and to maintain investor confidence in Scotland’s renewable energy industry.

“We urge the Scottish Government to work collaboratively with industry and key stakeholders to deliver the coherent policy environment needed to realise Scotland’s full potential as a net zero powerhouse.”

Similarly, the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) expressed dismay over the rollback, citing the critical impact on households, consumers and the environment.

The ADE’s Policy Manager, Chris Friedler, said: “Scotland’s 2030 target was set around the advice of experts such as the Climate Change Committee. Therefore, while we are greatly disappointed with the government’s decision today, it greatly underlines the importance of long term plans, effective policies, and critically, a keen understanding of what needs to be delivered and by whom.

“The target removal must not affect the government’s upcoming Heat in Buildings Bill, which is critical for the nation’s longer term 2045 net zero goal. It will unlock investment, warmth and comfort for millions of Scots, boosting energy efficiency, heat networks and heat pumps, building resilience across the country’s homes and offices.”

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