UK plans energy flexibility from EVs and appliances

News Room
2 Min Read

Image: Vitalij Terescsuk
/ Shutterstock

The UK Government has announced plans to utilise energy flexibility from electric vehicles (EVs) and household appliances.

These plans include establishing minimum requirements for cyber security and grid stability, as well as minimum product standards for energy-efficient appliances, aiming to boost consumer confidence and facilitate the adoption of smart devices for cost-saving purposes.

Smart appliances, with demand-response capabilities, enable consumers to manage energy consumption efficiently.

For example, smart charge points for EVs can adjust charging schedules to coincide with low electricity demand periods, reducing bills and grid pressure.

The measures are included in a consultation published by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.

Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance Lord Callanan stated: “Smart devices mean consumers with a smart meter can easily use the cheapest tariffs to charge their car or heat their home.

“These latest measures will help families get the best deal through their smart device and could help save up to £50 billion by 2050 – meaning lower bills for families, while supporting up to 24,000 jobs across UK.”

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